Monday, April 16, 2007

Remebering Jackie Robinson 60 Years later

Jackie Robinson breaking baseballs color barrier is one of the FEW events in the history of sports that changed the world outside sports.

Jackie Robinson had a thankless task, he had to perform at the highest level when almost everyone wanted him to fail. His own teams fans booed him and threw drinks at him. He had every excuse to fail.

If Robinson had failed it would have pushed the cause back 5 more years. Instead he flourished- winning Rookie of the year in his first season.

The way the media portrayed minorities began to change. At that time racial slurs were printed in newspaper columns. Now 60 years later Don Imus is fired for questionable comments.

The level of tolerance in this country has improved leaps and bounds and Mr. Robinson played a huge role in the progress.

Thank you Jackie. Your contribution to our American pastime has changed our entire society. 60, 80, or 100 years later your Legacy should not be forgotton.